Sunday, June 27, 2010


I'm painting lilies with my friend.

That's No Bonnet!

I love "diaper heads". 

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Shrek 3

I love Shrek.  I went with Marmie and Caleb to see Shrek 3.  I liked my glasses so I took them home. 

Fat Kitty.
The cat was fat and here's part of the movie:
Donkey licked some syrup and then the waffles went up on a tree and then Donkey fell in a hole.  Shrek looked down and Donkey said he was okay and a rope caught his leg.  The End.

Sweet Kitty.

Camping Out In My Room

I took this photo and he's eating pancakes. 

I am camping out and I didn't wake my mom or dad up at night 'cause I usually do that.  I built the fort in my room. 


I love Taekwondo.  I learned to punch and kick and do shields.  When I get an orange belt, I'm gonna take it home.  You're supposed to take it home. 

Monday, June 14, 2010

Sand Snowman

I love sand. I love water. I like to swim in seaweed if there is seaweed in the water.

I love doing the monkey bars. I do them a lot. Nonni was with me and I spent the night with her and Poppy.

Me and Grandpa are standing on the airplane's wing. And Nonnie's taking a picture. I can't wait to go again. They are going to take me to a water park next time.

Seaweed Head

I have seaweed on my head.  There is a lot of seaweed on the beach and in the water.  There is tiny fish.  They are minnows and that's it.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


These are my cousins.  We spent the night in the livingroom.  We went to the pool and to a movie.  My favorite was when we played horses.